People at the Farm

Pinwheel Farm has a strong tradition of being a welcoming place for people of all ages and abilities to experience God’s creation and learn about farming and nature. However, because unrestricted visitors can overwhelm available resources and interfere with essential stewardship activities, Pinwheel Farm residents may control access to the farm according to each visitor’s status. Residents’ authority does not extend to Pinwheel Farm landowners or any person acting on behalf of the landowners as Power of Attorney or designated landowner’s representative.

“Landowner” refers to the legal holder of title to the real estate where Pinwheel Farm resides. In the event that Pinwheel Farm leases property from other landowners, there may be more than one landowner. Duly designated landowner representatives and Powers of Attorney may act as landowner when to do so is in keeping with their responsibilities to the legal landowner.

“Partner” refers to one or more individual who have entered into a formal agreement with the landowner to share the management, work and financial return for specified aspects of the farm. Duly designated partner representatives and powers of attorney may act as landowner when to do so is in keeping with their responsibilities to the legal landowner. The partner shall have authority over the landowner, their designated representatives, or powers of attorney only to the extent granted in the partnership agreement. The partner shall, however, have authority over all other people at the farm, consistent with each person’s designated role at the farm.

“Steward” refers to the key individual(s) responsible for overseeing day-to-day management of the farm, long-term planning, and general care of and responsibility for everything that is not expressly assigned to someone else’s care. In most cases the landowner and/or a partner will fill the role of steward of the farm. When the steward position is filled by someone other than the landowner, the steward shall have no authority over the landowner or partner, their designated representatives, or powers of attorney. The stewards shall, however, have authority over all other people at the farm, consistent with each person’s designated role at the farm.

“Staff” is used very loosely to refer to all individuals with a specific commitment to and role in overseeing and operating Pinwheel Farm, regardless of any employment relationship with Pinwheel Farm. “Staff” includes the landowner, partner(s), steward(s), apprentices, interns, volunteers, contract labor, and employees, i.e.: those actively engaged in the business and day-to-day operation of Pinwheel Farm. It does NOT necessarily signify a condition of compensated employment by Pinwheel Farm for tax, legal or accounting purposes.

“Residents” are individuals who live at Pinwheel Farm; they may or may not be regularly involved with Pinwheel Farm activities and may or may not be considered “Staff.”

“Community gardeners” are individuals or groups who use a designated portion of Pinwheel Farm land and other resources to produce food for their personal use.

“Tenant Farmers” are individuals or groups who use a portion of Pinwheel Farm land and other resources to produce agricultural products for sale.

“Farm Participants” are people who have hands-on involvement in physical, business and/or management activities on the farm as staff, community gardeners, residents, etc.

“Priority Visitors” are people who may not be frequently or regularly present on the farm but have legitimate business at the farm, and/or who, by nature of their relationship to the landowner(s) or prior involvement with the farm, deserve special consideration. They should have free access to all parts of the farm to meet their reasonable needs. Priority visitors include, but are not limited to:

  • Anyone accompanied by the landowner, the landowner’s Power of Attorney, or landowner’s representative.
  • The immediate family of the landowner(s): parents Tom and Monta Manney, and sister Gloria Manney and her partner.
  • Ross and Jeanne Lunz, their family, and anyone accompanied by them (Ross built the Torii for their wedding at the farm).
  • Representatives and agents of government agencies with legitimate need for access to carry out official duties, including but not limited to people affiliated with Farm Service Agency, Maple Grove Drainage District, Douglas County Code Enforcement, etc.
  • Individuals assigned by the landowner or steward(s) to carry out business and property management activities on their behalf, including people acting as duly authorized Powers of Attorney or landowner’s representative, and workers employed by the landowner to give advice regarding, make estimates for, or perform specified work.

“Farm Visitors” are people who visit the farm infrequently and do not have significant business, physical or managerial involvement with the farm, who are at the farm for informal educational or recreational purposes.

“Customers” are people whose relationship with the farm is primarily to purchase farm products or services, or educational or recreational activities for which admission or fees are charged, whether at the farm location or at other venues.

Landowner, partners, and/or steward(s) will work with staff, farm participants, visitors and customers to set conditions for access (dates, times, walking in vs. driving in, route to take, disposition of gates, use of tools and facilities, interactions with livestock, etc.) that will allow them to carry out their activities while not unduly interfering with others’ activities. Landowner, partners, and/or stewards(s) can restrict or refuse access or service to anyone, so long as such control is not exercised in an abusive or discriminatory manner, and is in compliance with any applicable regulations or laws.

December 2019

Updated October 2024